Praise @ 3

Activities for seniors

There are a substantial number of seniors among our church community, who regularly share in worship time together on a Sunday. However, we are always happy to welcome non–church attenders to share in our other activities. We try to meet the social and spiritual needs of our senior friends and we have a Focus Group for Seniors that oversees their needs within our church community. (Focus group members: Sheila Cooper, Liz Dawson, Carol Symes, Gay Wale, Jenny Witts)

Praise @ 3 - dates for your diaries

Praise @ 3 provides a time of informal worship, where you can sing some of your favourite hymns, before enjoying tea and cake and time for a chat & is held on the second Sunday of the month.

Praise at 3 o’clock takes place on one Sunday afternoon each month. We meet in the Church Foyer from 3pm and sing our favourite hymns (old and new) for about 45mins, sometimes sharing the memories they evoke..... If you would like to share in an hour of informal Praise and Worship, where we sing old favourite hymns and enjoy a cuppa together then do come along at 3pm on the following Sundays -

8th January, 12th February, & 12 March 2023.

A warm welcome awaits you. Any queries contact Revd Sheila Cooper - . Dates for 2023- will be posted asap

With any queries regarding any of these activities, please ring Sheila Cooper on 0117 962 0618 or Liz Dawson on 0117 962 9405.