Activities for seniors

Tuesday Together

Tuesday Together meets on alternate Tuesdays during term-time from 10.30 am when we gather for tea/coffee and chat, followed at 11.00 am by a varied programme of entertainment e.g. visits from our local primary school choir, talks by various charities, quizzes and lots more (see our current programme below). 

We conclude with a short ‘Thought for the day’  followed by a delicious two-course lunch at 12.30 pm. Seniors are invited to come along at any time but booking for the lunch is recommended - please ring Sheila Cooper (0117 962 0618) or Liz Dawson (0117 962 9405) - and costs £5.00  (some of our guests just join us for lunch)

There are a substantial number of seniors among our church community, who regularly share in worship time together on a Sunday. However, we are always happy to welcome non-church attenders to share in our other activities.  We try to meet the social and spiritual needs of our senior friends and we have a Focus Group for Seniors that oversees their needs within our church community.

(Focus group members: Sheila Cooper, Liz Dawson, Carol Symes, Gay Wale, Jenny Witts)     

We welcome our guests from 10.30am and provide tea/coffee/refresments, followed by a variety of activities until lunch is served. The event ends at around 2.30pm.

TT Autumn dates 2024.pdf

A programme of events and activities on Tuesdays at:

Westbury on Trym Baptist Church, Reedley Road

starting at 10.30 am

With tea or coffee in the Café area at the front of the church followed by the programmed event (see below)

We invite you to make a voluntary contribution

of £2 per session towards costs (please note slight increase).


A two course lunch will be served in the Carey Hall at 12.30 pm, 

cost £5.00

 Booking is required - please contact Sheila Cooper (0117 9620618) or Liz Dawson (0117 9629405)