WoTs Tots
Message for WoTs Tots families:
Welcome to all our WoTs Tots families, we are looking forward to seeing you!
If you would like to join please contact Wendie on 0117 962 1549.
With our good wishes
Wendie and Jan
We are a thriving parent and toddler group who meet on alternate Thursdays (term time) from 9.30-11.30am. The Spring dates are below:
Spring term dates: (last day of term 3rd April))
9th January, & 23rd January
6th, & 13th February
13th & 27th March & 3rd April
We aim to provide a relaxed, friendly atmosphere where parents/carers and children can meet informally to enjoy activities and make new friends.
We cater for bumps, babes, tots and pre-school children!!
All sessions cost £2.50 per family.
What we offer:
We offer a range of toys and activities spread over three rooms including:
baby toys and mats
books and puzzles
messy play (paint/rice/play doh)
building bricks
dressing up
large train set
Story time – we have storytime at 10am. These sessions will also include finger rhymes and Bible Stories.
Singing – After tidy up time we have a fun bible story from Gav Ball, our children & families worker., follolwed by singing for everyone for the last 20 minutes of the session. This is great fun and we encourage everyone to join in!
Refreshments – We offer coffee, tea, water, squash, fruit and biscuits.
Our Programme
We meet on on alternate Thursdays 9.30 – 11.30am during term time. If there are any extra or special events, you will find them here on our web page!
We mark Christmas, Easter, Harvest & other special occasions in our crafts and singing time.
If you would like to join us …
If you would like to put your name on our list please contact Wendie on 0117 962 1549